Small Things: They Add Up

“We can do no great things, only small things with great love..png

How does real change happen in someone’s life? This is a question that baffles many of us, especially those of us focused on social services. In the last newsletter, I shared with you the unbelievable stats from Easter Outreach and Emmanuel. The numbers are incredible, but is that what matters most?

Then I thought of this quote:

“We can do no great things, only small things with great love.” — Mother Teresa

How can you distribute close to one million meals in under 6 months with a part-time staff and limited resources? It is all the small things done with great love that make this happen - by packing one box, delivering one meal, volunteering one hour, mapping out delivery routes, picking up food at the food bank. The list goes on and on. It’s about the volunteers, donors, community partners, and neighbors we included and the relationships we built through our work.

Reflecting on my own personal story — my journey out of addiction- I thought: How did I change? The more I thought about it, I saw the small things that added up: my desperate cry to God, going to rehab, making my bed every day, journaling, talking to people in recovery daily, reading recovery literature, going to meetings, hanging out with people in recovery, getting a sponsor, working the steps, getting a job, and many more small things that helped me get my life back. 

Real change happens in the small things, the day-to-day grind, the daily struggle. If we all come together and work to make a difference, we can see real change happen. We will begin to see the small things adding up! Let’s make a difference together, one act at a time. 

Personal Note

Life is starting to settle into a new normal. I am finding my rhythm with all the things I am connected to. Easter Outreach has stabilized and we have some big announcements in the coming weeks. Emmanuel is going well and we continue to serve the vulnerable in Center City. I am also conducting a training on September 12 for the Liberti Network Leaders Retreat.

Life and work are busy, and the girls are growing up too fast. Being a father is one of the greatest joys I have known. I have stepped into a new season of life and I’m really growing as a leader and follower of Jesus.  

Prayer Requests

  1. Pray for wisdom and discernment as I have some big leadership decisions in front of me.

  2. Pray for my family as we continue to grow in this new season of life. As you may know, life with a 3-year-old and a 10-month-old can present real challenges.

  3. Pray for my monthly support. I am looking to add about 17 more monthly supporters over the next couple of months.

In Christ, 


Emmanuel: Serving Our City & Loving Our Neighbors


Love in Action